Here's the first post of, hopefully, many. It's where I tell you want I plan on doing, and we all get on the same page. Maybe even literally.
My New Year's Resolution was "Be Happier". In a effort to give myself a sense of purpose and project, here I am starting a blog that I assume will be never read. But it is something to do, it will enhance my writing and diligence, and it will be another fill-in to an empty line on a resume. As I am soon approaching my undergrad graduation, my mind dwells on the lack of skill and ability that college gave me to the competitive job market. In a scurry of regret, lost opportunities and bad judgement, I have made a blog. Hey, one can hope.
In these simple beginnings, I only wish to review, talk and express [probably drastic emotions] of the literature I chose to read this upcoming year. I made the goal of 30 books [novels, religious texts, historical letters in a binding, etc.] and this is one way to keeping track. Especially since my older sister challenged me to a race. It turns out that she is also aiming for 30. I have no hope to beat her, she is an incredibly fast reader. However, I'm competitive. Book tracking here I come or, here I am.
Anyway, either to my silly self who is in a panic, or to the real people in the world--thank you for reading. I would love for suggestions on what to read, and to talk about the great works of our world.
With sincerity and silliness,
The Cost of Disciple, by Dietrich Bonhoeffer :)